I’ve re-blogged, below, a description from trainingpeaks.com of the differences between their products (WKO4 and TRAINING PEAKS).I’ve used similar power-related features to those in WKO4 in the free. The features are awesome and I’m sure will be awesome in WKO4 as well.The best, for a sometimes-slacker like me, is the mFTPmodelled FTPa CP30 without having to actually do it! And it mostly works which is even nicer 🙂If you train with power you might as well invest a little extra time and/or money to get the best analysis out of your expensive hardware.
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These products DO offer a bit more in-depth insight over and above what you would get from Garmin Connect and SportTracks (also awesome but in a different way: great analysis, planning and collaboration).To answer the question in the title about “What are the products?” I would say they are analytical/monitoring tools; listed below in increasing complexity/sophistication. I use the ones highlighted and don’t really have an opinion on the others – but MANY people use them so they must be good. Garmin Connect. SportTracks. Training Peaks.
Golden cheetah. WKO4——————————————————————- What’s the Difference Between TrainingPeaks Premium Edition and WKO4. Athletes and coaches often ask us which product, TrainingPeaks or WKO4, is right for them.
Since everyone has different wants, needs, and goals, it is not an easy question to answer. Listed below is a breakdown of the features, capabilities, and usages of both products in order to help you decide which product is best for you.
29, 2012: The usefulness of running WKO+ on Mac via CrossOver has run its course. Updates to CrossOver Mac (v.
9–10) have rendered the process described below unusable and Mac OS (10.7 Lion) requires you run CrossOver Mac 10. Unfortunately a functional work around has not been found. Unless you have access to running the versions of software noted below, this process is no longer recommended; it may appear that everything is working properly until the final steps where you actually try to run WKO+ at which point it fails. And as the comments show, many gotchas have popped up over time as new devices come to market that have made a working CrossOver setup a fast moving target to pin down.As result, I am now running WKO+ on my MacBook Pro by using Windows 7 Professional running inside the virtualization software. I have also heard from multiple people that virtualization software works well. It is important to note that I have 8GB of RAM installed—lots of RAM will make a huge difference for running a virtualization set up for WKO+.
This setup isn't as clean as it was with CrossOver but I can still manage just one computer for my primary work. I do have a recent model basic Windows laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium with another install of WKO+, and I can say that my VMware setup runs much faster so overall this Mac setup works great.Update Jan. 24, 2011: Updates have been made to this post since it originally was posted in January 2010 to include some subtle updates. The following information presents using version 8 of CrossOver Mac. Version 9 is now the current version but has been generally reported to not work well with WKO+.
If you've had success with version 9 of CrossOver Mac, please post your experience in the comments.Let me cut to the chase: running TrainingPeaks WKO+ 3 with Mac CrossOver 8 is pretty easy. You have a Mac and want to run WKO+ without messing with Windows? Just keep reading.Some background. The original post used TrainingPeaks WKO+ 2 and CrossOver Mac 7, and both have since moved to newer versions. I was very interested in upgrading to TrainingPeaks WKO+ 3, but I was afraid the setup wouldn’t work. Given all the advantages of my working set up (not installing, maintaining, protecting, backing up or running Windows in any way), I was hesitant. But as with all things foolish I figured, “Let’s just see what happens?” Since then I've updated again to the latest version of WKO+ 3 and am now seemlessly syncing my WKO+ data for multiple athletes between my Mac setup and Windows setup using Dropbox.
If you're interested in more details on that. If you want more background on the project, check out the.The process.I said this was pretty simple. But it’s not Steve Jobs simple. Downloading from your device directly to WKO+ doesn’t work out of the box, so you’ll need a separate Mac-native application to do that. But generally, all you need is.
Desire to run WKO+ without ever starting up Windows. Mac with an Intel processor., or other software to download data from your power meter or heart rate monitor. I recommend TrainingPeaks Device Agent for it's simplicity of installation (included needed drivers for various devices) and the fact that it supports lots of devices. The drivers Device Agent installs will work in GoldenCheetah, too, if you choose to use it. version 8 (30-day free trial, $40); version 9 is the current version but those buying a license should be able to access version 8 and the old version may be available by hunting around the Codeweavers website.
(30-day free trial, $129)The original instructions were lengthy, it helped to be running specific builds of WKO+, and a little digging in Windows was needed. This year’s process is A LOT easier. Install, or whatever other software you want to use to download data from your device.
Download the 3 installer. Install. Install Internet Explorer 6 in CrossOver (optional step, but I did it, everything works, so I’m including it).
In CrossOver, select Configure Install Software., then select Internet Explorer 6 from the list and install it in a new bottle of its own following on the onscreen prompts. A standard install works fine—no need to customize it. Install TrainingPeaks WKO+ 3 in CrossOver.
Select Configure Install Software., then click “Install unsupported software.” and install it in a new bottle of its own. When asked for the installer file, find where you saved the WKO+ installer and let it go through its paces.That’s it. No tweaking needed. Launch WKO+ and go to work. I was able to upgrade from my previous WKO+ 2 license and activate in version 3 right in the new install—no fancy work around needed like in the original setup (I left that part out of the original post's already lengthy directions).To get files from a previous version of WKO+ I recommend reviewing the online help topic “Migrating Your Data.” at. This will give you the needed background for migrating data, but I found a slight modification to those directions that works better:.
Manually create a new athlete in WKO+ 3 with the same name as the data you want to import. Exit WKO+. Find the folder created for that athlete’s data (should be at /user home folder/Documents/TrainingPeaks/WKO/Data/). Drag the old.wko files into that folder. Launch WKO+ again and ta-da!
This only seems to work, though, if you manually create the athlete in WKO+ first.To get new files into WKO+, you’ll need to use TrainingPeaks Device Agent, GoldenCheetah, Garmin Training Center, PowerAgent, or whatever other software you want to use to download data from your device. Then find the file you downloaded in that application (or export it from that app), and open it from within WKO+. Unfortunately, dragging and dropping a file from the Finder onto WKO+ doesn’t work when using CrossOver as it would when using WKO+ in Windows.Since using this setup for nearly a year, I've found one caveat. The data comparing different files in the multi-file/multi-range analysis tool doesn't work. The graph displays the comparative data just fine but the numerical data isn't displayed.Got all that? Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the fact that you have one less reason to run Windows! Unless you're me and had to buy a Windows computer for another use and are now syncing and maintaining both anyway.
I still do 95% of my WKO+ work on the Mac, though. Said.My understanding of the license system for WKO+ is that it involves a unique identifier for every machine you put it on, so an activation key from an installation on different computer won't work. Also, the WKO+ version 2 license is only for 1 computer, so if you've got it on a PC, too, that may complicate things further. Contact TrainingPeaks Support for assistance on the activation. This is the most challenging part of the process of WKO+ 2 with CrossOver and why the WKO+ 3 and CrossOver 8 combo turned out to be so great. Anonymoussaid.Thanks for posting all this. I recently got a mac after years of pc problems and final pc meltdown.
It didn't occur to me until afterward that I couldn't run wko natively.I am a third user having the crash problem noted above. If you try to open a workout file (open file button), for example a.txt file from a computrainer workout, WKO crashes when you assign the athlete name to the workout. I have a new mac, wko 3 and crossover 9. Any thoughts would be helpful. I'm lost.Also, I found msvcp60.dll, and put in in the proper directory, but it doesn't show up in the crossover manage bottles tools. Said.I have been able to get WKO 3.0 to work beautifully using the instructions posted here. As noted there is no drag and drop (you have to use the open dialog box) and the windows sometimes redraw poorly, but it works well.
(Thank you Lucas!)A FEW NOTES:First, Crossover 8 works well, but I Crossover 9 CRASHES. I strongly recommend you use the prior version of crossover. I don't know where to get version 8 of the trial version of crossover. You might try looking up crossover at versiontracker.com - they sometimes list prior version sources if available. In any case, if you buy a crossover license, you will have access to prior builds.Second, after I got the crossover trial, I did not register for 30 days and Codeweaver (the software company) sent me an offer to buy the license at 50% off. I don't know if they always do this, but it might be worth waiting if you are on the fence.Third, I previously posted an issue with uploading and downloading from WKO 3. This was resolved when I purchased the WKO 3 license.
I had previously been using WKO 2 in VMWare fusion but wanted to check out WKO 3 in crossover before upgrading. It was worth it. MUCH faster startup and shutdown in crossover than VMware and the power of quadrant analysis. Works for me!Good luck!Patrick. Said.I responded to Hari off-site about getting FTDI drivers with GoldenCheetah. (These are needed especially if you're using a PowerTap with the old yellow computer, the Cervo).
The instructions provided via the GoldenCheetah site for installing FTDI drivers are obtuse, at best. While I figured it out, the current easiest solution is to install the TrainingPeaks Device Agent software. I makes downloading from many devices quite easy and the driver it installs will work within GoldenCheetah, too. Said.This works great. I had no problems using Crossover 8 downloaded from this link (and WKO+ 3 on a Macbook Pro running OS 10.6.7.
Was able to bring over all my old training files easily. After downloading and installing the demo versions, and making sure it all worked, I purchased Crossover, and the serial # worked for Crossover 8. Then I paid for the upgrade to WKO+ 3 and I'm all set. Thank you so much for all this info. So happy to be free of Windows!! Tripisaid.Hi, I have some problems with getting my workouts into wko+. I have wko+v3 running with crossover 8.0.3.
The wko+ device agent is not working very well in my opinion, I had really bad problems, so I opened Garmin training center and exported all my workout in a.tcx file. After that I opened wko+ an opened the file. The program was reading and saving the file. But now I already have workouts in july, august.december 2011 and so on. Until may 2011 I worked with a Forerunner 305, now I have a Forerunner 310xt. Could this be the problem. Cycling Skills is for developing bike racers to provide information, resources, how-tos, advice, and more about bike racing.
Some parts of the sport are portrayed as science, others are steeped in tradition. And then there is all the stuff you just learn along the way. Cycling Skills focuses on separating fact from fiction, covers topics it took someone else years to stumble across, and provides reminders to experienced riders of forgotten details. Ask questions, add your opinion, share your experience, give us some facts, or just read along. Email or post in the comments.