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从Blankey Jet City暂时抽身,浅井健一1996年成立了独立厂牌Sexy Stone Records,并同时组建了一支梦幻流行乐队Sherbets。而与此同时,中村和来自东京 Ska天堂乐队的成员组建了Losalios。. Blankey Jet City (1994.05.25) (album) Shiawase no Kane ga Narihibiki Boku ha Tada Kanashii Furi wo Suru Blankey Jet City (2000.10.25) (album) Blankey Jet City 1991-1995. -Tracklist- 01 Kusatta. Oct 09, 2011 BLANKEY JET CITY 1991.06.29 ROCK SHOW. BLANKEY JET CITY 1991.06.29 ROCK SHOW. Skip navigation Sign in. Mix - BLANKEY JET CITY - TEXAS YouTube.
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