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If you're looking for Puppet Interview Questions for Experienced & Freshers, you are at right place. There are lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world.
According to research Puppet is has a market share of about 3.0%. Car hoppers backseat edition nathan. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Puppet. Mindmajix offers advanced Puppet Interview Questions 2019 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire dream career as Puppet Developer. Puppet Interview Questions And Answers Puppet Vs Ansible. Puppetca –sign hostname-of-agent (2.6)puppet ca sign hostname-of-agent (3.0) Q6) Where Puppet Master Stores Certificates /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/signed Q7) What is Facter?Sometime you need to write manifests on conditional experession based on agent specific data which is available through Facter. Facter provides information like Kernel version,Dist release, IP Address, CPU info and etc.You can defined your facter also. Q8) What is the use of etckeeper-commit-post and etckeeper-commit-pre on PUPPET AGENT?
Etckeeper-commit-post: In this configuration file you can define command and scripts which executes after pushing configuration on AgentEtckeeper-commit-pre: In this configuration file you can define command and scripts which executes before pushing configuration on AgentQ9) What is Puppet Kick?By default Puppet Agent request to Puppet Master after a periodic time which known as “runinterval”. Puppet Kick is a utility which allows you to trigger Puppet Agent from Puppet Master.
Q10) What is MCollective? MCollective is a powerful orchestration framework. Run actions on thousands of servers simultaneously, using existing plugins or writing your own. Q11) Describe the most significant gain you made from automating a process through Puppet?“I automated the configuration and deployment of Linux and Windows machines using.
In addition to shortening the processing time from one week to 10 minutes, I used the roles and profiles paradigm and documented the purpose of each module in README to ensure that others could update the module using Git. The modules I wrote are still being used, but they’ve been improved by my teammates and members of the community.” Q12) Tell me about a time when you used collaboration and Puppet to help resolve a conflict within a team?The development team wanted root access on test machines managed by Puppet in order to make specific configuration changes. We responded by meeting with them weekly to agree on a process for developers to communicate configuration changes and to empower them to make many of the changes they needed.
Through our joint efforts, we came up with a way for the developers to change specific configuration values themselves via data abstracted through Hiera. In fact, we even taught one of the developers how to write Puppet code in collaboration with us.”.
Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Robert Johnson said that President Donald Trump is one of the best things to ever happen to the job market for black Americans. Appearing on CNBC’s Squawk Box, the self-made billionaire insisted that despite the current lower-than-expected number of jobs created in March, the Trump economy is strong.“When you look at that January report, you have to say something is going right,” said the Democratic entrepreneur.Johnson then added that Trump has been a boon for the black community.“You have to take encouragement from what’s happening in the labor force and the job market,” Johnson told Squawk Box. “When you look at African-American unemployment, you’ve never had African-American unemployment this low and the spread between African-Americans and whites narrowing.”The television pioneer added that Trump’s policies have brought back into the job market people who have been out for a long time, “some of it based on discrimination, some of it based on changes in education, access and technology changes.”Johnson said that Trump’s tax cuts also helped bring this economy to full speed, saying: “Business is very good.